How does the new come into the world?

Who we are

The Institut für praktische Emergenz is an independent ThinkPlayDoTank specialising in topics relating to social change and organisational development as well as a partner for innovation, strategy and implementation.

What we do

In addition to new ideas, there needs to be good soil in which the ideas can flourish - the most innovative measures are lost in a toxic environment. We at the IPE are researching what new things are already out there and at the same time prepare the ground by building decentralized communitites of transformation, designing and moderating conferences, accompanying transformation processes and passing on our knowledge and experience in our training programmes.

Warum Emergenz?

Emergence refers to the development of new structures, properties and states from the interaction of different actors, whereby what emerges has yet again entirely new properties - the whole is thus more than just the sum of its parts.

Too abstract? This is how Nora Bateson explains Emergence and this is what  Margaret Wheatley says. 

"We need emergence to cope with complexity. Emergence can't be controlled or managed, but we can foster the conditions for emergence, behave with integrity, and hope others will follow."

Tyson Yunkaporta (Sand Talk)

Work with us

From the design and implementation of innovative conference formats to the complete development of decentralized communities of transformation, we are an experienced partner

Do you find emergence as the key to innovation and development exciting? Would you like to know how to get a grip on complexity? Would you like support on how to increase the adaptability and speed of change in your organization? Then we have good news for you:

The knowledge, skills and experience that an organisation needs for change are actually always already there - they just need to be made visible and brought together. 
We are good at this. We have years of experience in building decentralised communities, activating the largest possible number of volunteers in the organisation in the shortest possible time and motivating them to support and help shape change.

But it doesn't have to be that big, even a cleverly organized event such as a conference can immediately unlock knowledge, connect people and thus prepare the ground for change. That is why we don't stop at presenting keynote speeches, but merely provide impetus that is then further developed by the participants in formats moderated by us and taken back to the teams.

 The Institut für Praktische Emergenz is also a development partner for topics such as futures literacy, sustainability in organizations, Inner Development Goals and many more. hier 
If you are around in or near Munich, come over have coffee or tea with us.

We are here to support you 

Learn with us

Training programmes, seminars, workshops, keynotes and facilitations

In our training programmes and seminars, we show how emergence cannot be controlled but can be fostered, and how to build effective and decentralized communities in organisations in order to mobilize as many people as possible for change in a short space of time. As an official partner of the Inner Development Goals, we offer impulse workshops on the IDGs. Our presentation and moderation topics range from emergence, building effective networks and communitites of transformation to futures literacy and dealing with uncertainty.

Training: Emergence in 

In this 6-week hybrid training, you will learn what natural "fertilizers" exist to benefit the development of your organization. How do you strengthen self-organization and self-responsibility? What is important in collaboration? How does innovation work and at the same time how is the tried and tested preserved? And: how can what you have learned be put into practice? These are some of the questions we deal with in the training - well-founded but always practice-oriented.



Seminar: Building 

People like to be part of something. Communities have enormous potential to support organisations in their development by changing employees' learning and working methods. They foster innovation, catalyze transformation and make organizations noticeably faster and more adaptable - as long as they are not centrally controlled. We will show you how we build so-called "communities of transformation".


Impulse Workshop: Inner Development Goals

We have been supporter of the IDG movement from the beginning and are happy to support organizations by introducing the topic. In this 3-hour impulse workshop we give an overview of the IDGs and their relevance in the current context and work out together what this means specifically for your organization and your employees. We identify development opportunities (e.g. through an assessment) and define what the next steps would be.


  IPE meets...

Our Collaborations

We are always on the lookout for people whose work suits, complements or challenges us. We look forward to presenting what they have to offer on our premises or developing something together with them.

Weaving networks

Emergence requires networked structures. We never tire of finding ideas, people, initiatives and ideas, presenting them and bringing them together so that supporting communities and networks can emerge and ideas can spread.


Weaving ideas: 
Our resource list

What already exists: a constantly growing, diverse and international collection of exciting and inspiring initiatives and ideas that deal with social change, futures, speculative design and so on. Books, Blogs, Magazines, TV Shows, Movies, Podcasts included.

This way​


Weaving people: 
Our Events

Take part in one of our events, like these online-impulses about new topics (AI, IDGs, Futures Literacy...): Discover new stuff, get inspired and contribute with your own experience and expertise.
Above all, connect and exchange ideas with others.

This way​


Weaving with us: 
Open Door

Are you interested in our work? Would you like to get to know us a little or simply chat with us? 
We are delighted to invite you to our Open Door on Fridays between 10:00 and 12:00. Simply click on the link here and make an appointment

This way​

Unser Podcast Factor Em

Lernen über Emergenz von Praktiker:innen und Expert:innen

Wie kommt das Neue in die Welt? Das wollen wir wissen, und zwar von denjenigen, die täglich mit Veränderungsprozessen zu tun haben, von Praktiker:innen und Expert:innen. Was können sie uns aus ihrer Erfahrung mitgeben? Was sollten wir verstehen zu Themen wie  Risiko und Emergenz? Warum sind Dringlichkeit und Geschwindigkeit nicht der richtige Ansatz, um komplexe Herausforderungen zu lösen?
Welche Rolle spielt Vernetzung für Innovation und Transformation? Und was hat es auf sich mit glücklichen Zufällen? 

Tanja Gronde vom Bayerischen Rundfunk und Rike Pätzold holen sich von ihren Gäst:innen außer spannenden Antworten und Impulsen außerdem Hausaufgaben, um gleich selbst ins Experimentieren zu kommen. Und die Hörer:innen sind herzlich eingeladen, mitzumachen.

The people behind the IPE:

The Institut für praktische Emergenz introduces itself!

Rike Pätzold, M.A.


Rike Pätzold consults, writes, teaches and is passionate about emergence, participatory future design and how to deal well with uncertainty and complexity. At IPE, she explores new ways to change living systems from the inside out and tests them in her practical work as an organizational development consultant. Rike is a native of Munich, where she now lives again with her patchwork family after sailing around the North Atlantic on a sailboat. Rike studied Sinology, Japanese Studies and Philosophy of Language and lived in Taiwan for several years to deepen her knowledge of Chinese and Daoism.

Vanessa Ludewigs


Vanessa Ludewigs is interested in building networks - bringing people together who can shape new things together. In her work, she is concerned with how systems and organizations can be rethought. She is particularly fascinated by groups and how they work together, and how they can be supported. Vanessa is a trained industrial manager, and has an MBA in change management and many years of experience in traditional management consulting. Change and transformation have always been her hobbyhorses. Together with Kerstin Gollner, she manages EQU:WIN and loves to tackle, implement and lead challenging and complex projects. 

Dr. Kerstin Gollner


Kerstin Gollner's passions are change management, organizational development and transformation processes. She has been working in this field for 30 years, accompanying large and complex changes in companies. As Managing Director of EQU:WIN, she now puts her experience at the service of organizations, cities and communities to initiate the change dynamics that are necessary to cope with the major social challenges of our time. She has been working on the topic of emergence and social dynamics since her studies. Kerstin Gollner holds a PhD in ecological economics. She lives with her family near Munich.

We look forward to your message


The IPE supports the  Inner Development Goals and is hosting the IDG Munich Community Hub together with a great core team. Interested in the IDGs and located in and around Munich? Get connected on Howspace and register for free for our next hub event.  

The  Design Futures Initiative gathers designers, strategists, enginieers, scientists, artists and futurists from all over the world. The IPE is official partner of the initiative  and hosts the Munich Chapter.  Shape of New Interested in taking part? Contact us !

We are involved here:

NxF | navigate by fiction.

The method for participatory future design in cities, communities and organisations brings people together and aligns them towards a shared future.

Gemeinsam. Zukunft. Machen.

A new form of citizen participation in cooperation with committed residents of a municipality based on our future design method NxF.

Bibliothek der Zukünfte

Browse through the constantly growing library of futures, in which we collect the future stories created by our participatory future design method NxF.

EQU:WIN Consulting

A Munich based organizational development consultancy that treats organizations as living organisms and sees healthy relationships and cooperation as prerequisites for change.